Navigator Nights - Lock In
Friday, December 15, 2023
8:00-11:00 pm
Place: The North Suburban YMCA
Navigators will meet at the NSYMCA at 8 PM. Pizza dinner will be provided. Additionally, all are invited to bring a pre-wrapped $5 gift (limit) to participate in our funny gift exchange. The voted funniest gift (must be appropriate) wins a gift card! After dinner, the Navigators will participate in a full gym Dodgeball tournament. Once the NSYMCA closes, we will organize a FULL BUILDING tag and capture the flag (and a movie/video game area for those ELIMINATED…or in need of chill time)! Pick up will be at the NSYMCA at 11 PM. Staff leading this event are NSYMCA full-time staff and camp leaders, Alex Brodell and Joe Mosser.
Open to all! Bring a Friend!
$35 for Members, $40 for Non Members
RSVP today, at no charge, to reserve a spot! Spaces are limited and first come, first served. Registration deadline for RSVP’d guests is 12/13.